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What Every Principal Should Know
about Evaluating a School Library Program and a School Librarian
A Resource Specifically for ELDR 5223: Professional Development and Supervision in Education
To help administrators understand the potential of the school library program and the school librarian to impact student achievement
To help administrators view the librarian as an interdisciplinary instructional partner with all classroom teachers and specialists
To show administrators how classroom-library collaboration for instruction is effective job-embedded profession development
To define the difference between cooperation and collaboration
To be able to identify the librarian's roles and the specific contributions a librarian makes in the learning community
To be able to identify the specific features of the librarian's position that support a global view of curriculum and instruction in the school
To define criteria for evaluating a library program and a school librarian
Workshop Agenda - 60-minute Workshop
Workshop Agenda - 90-minute Workshop
American Association of School Librarians:
Standards for the 21st Century Learner
Position Statement on the School Librarian's Role in Reading
Five Roles Librarians Self-Assessment
For more information, contact:
Judi Moreillon, M.L.S., Ph.D., Associate Professor (Retired)
Becky McKee, formerly from the Dallas Independent School District, co-presented the first workshop.
For this page: http://tinyurl.com/wepsk
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