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Page history last edited by Judi Moreillon 11 years, 2 months ago

1-Hour Workshop Agenda


Loop Coteaching Images PowerPoint




Coteachers: Step Out of the Box--Together - Animoto Video


Warm Up: Cooperation - Collaboration


What Every Principal Should Know PowerPoint: Five Roles of the Effective 21st-century School Librarian


Five Roles Handout of the School Librarian (.doc)


Role play cooperation versus collaboration (30 minutes)

Give administrators a checklist of what to listen for: classroom management/differentiation/assessment and five roles of school librarian: leader, instructional partner, information specialist, teacher, and program administrator


Handout for Benefits to Students (.doc)

Handout for Benefits to Educators (.doc)

Handout for Benefits to Principals (.doc)


Response: Checklist, group response recording, and reporting: What are the benefits of collaboration to students, educators, and principals?

          Loop coteaching images PowerPoint. (25 minutes)


Standards: TEKS, Career and College Readiness, Partnership for 21st Century Skills, ISTE NETS, and Standards for the 21st Century Learner

          PowerPoint of standards and five roles of school librarians. (Integrated into the role play)


Principal: Paula's Testimonial filmed by Judi Moreillon (2001) (1 minute, 1 second)
Paula Godfrey was completing her first year as an elementary principal at the time this video was recorded. While earning her principal certificate, her two youngest children attended a Library Power school with a well-developed model for classroom-library collaboration. She entered the principalship with expectations that classroom teachers and the teacher-librarian would engage in high-quality partnerships to impact student learning. 


Q & A




Post-Workshop Survey (5 minutes)  Survey at: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/9DBSGZK








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